Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cruisin the Coastline

We started our journey in Malibu.  We arrived around 3:30 am and threw our mattress out on the beach!


The next morning we headed up the coast and had so much fun stopping whenever we wanted.  We found a beach with elephant seals and then also found a little hidden waterfall hike!  This was our favorite day!


We spent some time in Monteray that night.  We spent the night on Fishermans Wharf eating and watching the seals.


We threw out our sleeping bag on a cliff in Santa Cruz that night.  Holy cow… it was gorgeous!! We slept to the sound of waves crashing and woke up to dolphins and otters swimming right by us!  Favorite sleeping spot in the world!


The next day we went to the mystery spot (which is such a mystery still) and then walked the boardwalk and the beach gathering seashells for our babies! We ate dinner on the cliff and then took off for the redwoods.


This night, we were planning on staying in the redwoods, but it was sold out.  So, we got a bright idea to find our own (illegal) camp spot.  We were completely hidden, set up camp and then all of the sudden we could hear footsteps sneaking around us.  We would call to them, the footsteps would stop, and then start again quietly.  Needless to say… we were scared to death!  We undid the air in the mattress.  I took the poles out of the tent and then Matt threw the whole tent with belongings inside over his shoulder and we took off running. We drove to the nearest city, however I was still so freaked out that I wouldn’t get out of the car.  We spent the night in the car and then when it got light enough, we went on an abandoned baseball field to get a couple hours sleep.


We then headed up to San Francisco.  We both decided we are definitely not city people!  It was fun to see, but I really don’t care to go back ever!  We loved Muir Woods… the trees were incredible! We also got to see the famous Golden Gate Bridge!


I talked Matt into letting us get a hotel that night cause there was no way I was sleeping outside with all the bums. It was kinda nice to have a place to just lay and actually relax for a night.  We might’ve had a serious ice cream party and consumed more ice cream in one night then should ever be allowed!


We spent the next day rollerblading down Golden Gate Park to the beach.  It was a fun idea, but I only had Taelyn (a 6 yr olds) rollerblades, so my feet killed and the wheels didn’t really glide… it was quite the workout!


We were then heading home when we decided it’d be fun to see Lake Tahoe.  We were planning on camping, until my dad called and scared me to death about the bears, so once again we ended up in the car.


We absolutely loved Tahoe and can’t wait to go back.  We spent the morning on the lake on a floating trike.  We had a blast swimming around and having fun! 


This trip was so fun and adventurous and exciting, but more than anything, I just loved spending the week with me and my man.  I decided it’s a definite to do every year!  I love this guy of mine!

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